Ankit Rana

Advanced Analytics Consultant

The day you stop Learning, you stop Living.

Web Development

Paper Trading

Connected API with yfinance. ALL data is concurrent with the real time data. Application which lets you:

  • Quote a Stock
  • Buy/Sell the stock
  • Keeps track of your History

Web Scraping

RBI PSI Index Scraping

Used data of RBI:

  • Automatically scrapes monthly data from RBI website
  • Runs a script to clean the data
  • converts all the end data into POSTGRES database

Web Development

Student's Buddy
Task Manager

Student's Companion.

  • Helps students to store their daily work Progress
  • Stores their data, gives insights over their progress.
  • Gives information about Task Managing as well.

Data Cleaning model

Manual list Speller

One row of refrence spelling and your lists will be cleaned accordingly:

  • Uses Statistical Jacardi Principle
  • Proven Efficiency of nearly 95 %
  • Daily excel sheets use case

Efficient model

Clever Email Sender

Call me lazy but you will smell efficiency in here. :

  • No CC shown when mail sent to multiple users
  • You can attach your documents along with
  • Use HTML code for body part of mail.

Data Modeling

Analysing Future Technologies

Collected, Wrangled, Explored Data Used statistical and Visualization tools to give the final results.

  • Gives Insights about: Programming Languages Databases Frameworks Platforms.
  • Provides their future Usage as well.
  • Shows demographics about the data.

Data Exploration

Covid Death Count

Analysed and Forecasted infected population with demographics.

  • Worked with Big Data.
  • Used SQL and Excel to clean the Data.
  • Used Tableau to visualize data.